The Empir(ical) Article Strikes Back

Death Star crew
By Michael Neel from Knoxville, TN, USA (Star Wars) [CC BY 2.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

Since Monday was May the Fourth, Star Wars Day, we thought we would keep the theme going.

As college writers and researchers, you have probable been asked to use empirical articles to support your work. Sometimes, that can be frustrating. Before you go full Vader on the library, let us Yoda your way through knowing what an empirical article is and how to search for one. We have created a simple tutorial–Empirical Articles: What You Need To Know.

Empirical Articles

Empirical Articles Video Tutorial

Once you know how to recognize an empirical article, you will no longer be haunted by, “Do or do not. There is no try.” As always, if you are unsure, ask your Brandman librarians. May the force be with you.